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My Speech to Lib Dem Conference on Human Rights

by Andrew Brown on 25 October, 2015

Last month I gave my second speech to Lib Dem Conference, on Human Rights. Here is the text of what I said (or, at least, what I had prepared, it differed slightly on delivery!): Conference, Later today there will be a consultative session on our Governance Review. One of the things being asked in that is whether the preamble to our […]

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Andrew welcomes the election of Tim Farron as leader

by Andrew Brown on 17 July, 2015

This blog has been quiet recently for a number of reasons – the most obvious being resting and recovering from the election campaign and dealing with the challenges of the many new members that joined immediately after that. I have, though, been meaning to write for a while – and following yesterday’s election of Tim […]

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My Statement to tonight’s Cabinet re: Libraries

by Andrew Brown on 3 March, 2015

Tonight, Bristol’s Cabinet will meet to discuss the proposed closure of 7 libraries across the city, including the one at Marksbury Road. When Liberal Democrats were in the administration, we did not close any libraries, and we are opposed to these closures now. Windmill Hill Lib Dem Councillor Mark Bailey and I are especially opposed […]

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My Statement to Cabinet on the Arena

by Andrew Brown on 7 December, 2014

Earlier this week, the Mayor and his Cabinet met at the Council House – one of the items of the Agenda was a report recommending the selection of a preferred operator of the Bristol Arena Much of the report was confidential – and Councillors who had seen had had to sign confidentiality clauses – but […]

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My Statement to Council on 20mph Zones

by Andrew Brown on 13 November, 2014

On Tuesday, there was a motion before full Council with regard to the Mayor’s roll-out of the previous Lib Dem administration’s 20mph zones across the city. This was proposed by the Tory party and called for the roll out to be stopped and for the Mayor to hold an enquiry into the schemes. On the […]

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Have your say on the future of our parks

by Andrew Brown on 4 November, 2014

Last night, I was at the Victoria Park Action Group executive meeting. As part of a packed agenda, there was a presentation from the local Community Safety Officer of the council about their consultation on the Maintenance of Parks and other Green Spaces. This is being conducted ahead of the Council taking direct control of […]

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A sneak preview

by Andrew Brown on 12 October, 2014

Later this afternoon, I’ll be picking up c. 6,000 copies of the latest Focus for Windmill Hill ward – and this will be getting delivered over the next couple of weeks, so look out for it! If you can’t wait, though, here it is in .pdf form, with added colour: Focus pg1 Focus pg2 If you […]

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Some thoughts on St Catherine’s Place

by Andrew Brown on 2 October, 2014

During the election campaign, one issue that came up repeatedly on the doorsteps in Windmill Hill was the proposed development in St Catherine’s Place. Understandably, many residents have concerns about the impact of a 16 storey building on their views across the city – and the impact studies showed that it would have a significant […]

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A Morning as an Honourary Scout

by Andrew Brown on 7 June, 2014

The Victoria Park Action Group, who are dedicated to constantly working to maintain and improve the park as well as hosting a variety of events throughout the year, are starting a programme of work to restore and renovate the park’s benches. The committee had hoped to start this work today but the bad weather in the […]

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1,100 Thank Yous

by Andrew Brown on 24 May, 2014

As you may already know, the Labour candidate for Council, Sam Mongon, won by just 7 votes on Thursday with myself in second place on 1,100 and the Green Party polling 920 to take third. 1,100 votes would have won in 9 of the other 24 wards that were up for election: but Windmill Hill […]

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